One Day. One Voice. One Purpose.


One Day. One Voice. One Purpose.  Orphan Sunday is this Sunday and it is one day out of the entire year to unite believers and churches around the world to defend the fatherless, to care for children who have no place to call home, to bring into focus God’s heart for the orphan.

We are always excited about this day each November!  Our focus at the 25 Project comes from Jesus words in Matthew 25, that when we serve the least of these, we are serving Jesus Himself.  Specifically we are focused on bringing Hope and Healing through Christ to orphan and vulnerable children.  With estimates as high as 163 million orphans worldwide, all of us as believers have a responsibility and a role to play in addressing the orphan crisis.

The 25 Project is privileged to have a presence at First Baptist McKinney this Sunday and next (Nov 3 and Nov 10) to highlight and bring focus to the children God has called our ministry to serve.  Among several opportunities we provide to engage orphans, one significant opportunity that we will highlight this weekend and next is through our Name Changers Sponsorship Program.  Though we certainly put emphasis on meeting the physical needs of children, our greatest prayer ultimately is that each child will have a life-changing encounter with Jesus.  To be adopted by God and given a new name by Him is an experience that will last for eternity.

We are hopeful and we are praying for God to stir hearts the next two Sundays, that many of our children will be sponsored.  Would you join us in praying and asking God to do big things the next two Sundays?

Rubileusy writing thank you 06-13

Leanne Di Leo