Patricia’s Story
Lechería Village in the Dominican Republic has many stories of trials and struggles. It becomes the greatest joy when God changes a life. I met Patricia two years ago in Lechería, but finally heard her story while serving with one of our teams. Patricia, Pepe, Vanessa were among the children in my group during camp. Each day we would dig into God’s Word learning about salvation and God’s plan for our lives. Where there is hardship and trials, God can bring new life!
Patricia is 16 years old; she does not live with her parents. Unfortunately, Patricia’s dad is no longer involved in her life and her mother lives in Haiti. Patricia lives with her sister near a church and is working to complete high school with hopes of attending college.
Even with Patricia living so close to her church, she did not know Jesus personally. During our last group time, I tried to convey the need each of us has to recognize our own sin, that Jesus lived a

perfect life and gave His life as a sacrifice for our sin. Patricia indicated at that time that she had not yet trusted Christ, but understood that she had to take that step of faith. I was disappointed that she was reluctant to begin a relationship with Christ, but knew that God would continue to work in her heart.
Soon after I was able to see Patricia again. Praise be to God that she had a new answer about her life. God had been working in Patricia. She shared with me how following camp, she continued to think about all the things she had learned about the Gospel.
After thinking much about all she had heard about Christ, Patricia wanted the Jesus she had heard about at camp. It was then that she gave her life to Christ! As I sat and listened to Patricia tell of how God had worked in her heart, the excitement I felt was difficult to describe.
Patricia is yet another life God has changed. He did it! His Spirit moved in Patricia’s heart and He made her His own! The greatest joy is to watch God at work!