The Privilege of Sponsorship
I became a sponsor after going on a mission expedition to the Mercy Home Ministry in South Asia. Though I had sponsored children, I had never been able to actually step into their lives to understand their reality. The children were not names and pictures, but kids that seemed very much like us, although in wildly more difficult circumstances. I felt burdened to help these kids who seemed so hopeful and spiritually hungry. They were enduring difficult situations and facing spiritual persecution. That’s when the Lord put sponsorship on my heart. It has proven to be an incredibly rewarding experience.
Sponsorship with the 25 Project has been the most tangible way I can think of to care for and encourage the young ladies I met. By sponsoring, I am reminded to intercede for them in prayer for their salvation, for the healing of their wounds, and for God’s provision and direction over their lives. It is a great privilege to write them letters. Through letters I encourage them, remind them that they are loved and known, and stay connected with their lives. It is a joy to also receive their letters and to hear their hope, even through the trials of growing up and finding their faith.
In His word, God has shown us that He has a special place in His heart for the orphan and the oppressed. God is not only Himself the “Father of the fatherless” (Psalm 68:5), but He also calls us to demonstrate His heart to the world. Sponsoring meets the physical and emotional needs of kids. The 25 Project, uniquely, is committed to introducing each child to a life-changing relationship with Jesus. They partner with long-term ministries in country who provide discipleship and mentoring with the hope that God would grow kids to be spiritual leaders. I get excited when I think about how God could transform lives. He is making faithful disciples and missionaries in countries that so desperately need the light of the Gospel.
Having lost my own father at a young age I have experienced first-hand the overwhelming love, care, and provision of the Lord as He demonstrated that He was my true Father. I have been adopted by my Holy Father, and I can testify, as the recipient of grace and generous provision, that He is and can provide all I need. I know that He doesn’t need me to care for these children. They are His, and He cares and provides for them. But it is such an honor to be part of His work, and to get to know His heart better in the process.
-Rae Hodges