Interested in Serving in the Dominican Republic?

Interested in serving on a 25 Project team in the Dominican Republic this summer?  Come and hear the details about an upcoming trip!

Time:  7:00pm Sunday, February 23rd
Location: McKinney (contact us for specific address)

Food:  Coffee & Dessert
Trip Dates: June 14-20  or July 26-Aug 1
The meeting will give more details and allow you to sign up for a 2014 Dominican Republic team.  We will host a camp in a Haitian batey (village), where we share the Gospel and show love of Christ through Bible teaching, singing, sports outreach, creative arts, small groups, and testimonies.

Come even if you are not sure if you are being led to go or you are worried about funding your trip!

For more information about the meeting, contact us!

Team size: 15 members
Length: 7 days
