Throughout the world the 25 Project empowers vulnerable children with the hope of the Gospel, loving community, and the tools they need to grow and thrive.

Sierra Leone

A Night of Comedy – October 20th

Make time for THIS!! Our good friend and funny man Craig Lillard is doing a Night of Comedy for the 25 Project at the McKinney Performing Arts Center on October 20th! You will LOVE this night! You may just leave with a tummy ache from laughing so hard,…

Lives Changed, Names Changed!

Spontaneous songs of worship sang by our former street boys and local leaders to our King are what resonated in the air surrounding the areas of Kent Beach in Sierra Leone on Sunday 2016. As Christians around the world celebrated Palm Sunday, commemorating Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem,…

Thank You Cornerstone Christian Academy!

Cornerstone Christian Academy second grade students topped off their school’s huge Valentine fundraiser by presenting a $2,000 check to the 25 Project! Jennifer Thomas, a parent and volunteer at Cornerstone in McKinney, Texas, challenged the kids to think globally in helping others this Valentine’s Day. Having heard of a need…

After 2 years…A New Team is Finally Headed to Sierra Leone!

For the first time in two years, we have a team headed back to serve in Sierra Leone. Because of the spread of Ebola in West Africa, we were forced to suspend all teams traveling to serve our kids there. Praise God though, a new 25 Project team…

School in Sierra Leone

Have you ever wondered how school works in other countries? During my last trip to Sierra Leone we were able to visit most of the former street boys at their school. This, along with input from our partners there, Becky Brockelman and Charles Yimbo, I feel like I understand…

The Power of Touch

I just recently returned from visiting our kids in Sierra Leone in October. I wanted to share with you a quick update regarding the time I spent there. Repeatedly in the Bible we see that God was a person of personal relationship. He loved to talk to His…

Barbara Cross joins the 25 Team!

We are so excited to announce the addition of Barbara Cross to our staff team at the 25 Project! For many years, Barbara and her husband, Ralph, have been good friends to each of our staff members and families. She has also served with us on one of…

Sending Smiles to Sierra Leone

With God's leading, we were so excited to give our sponsors the chance to provide a personal care package to their sponsored child. We are always thrilled about the way God moves among His people! Within two days of discussing the possibility of providing care packages and finding someone to champion the…

Orphan Sunday 2014

Orphan Sunday is happening this week in thousands of churches all around the world! Pray with us as we ask God to mobilize the church to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the millions upon millions of orphans worldwide. Watch this short video from the Christian…