Meet The Team

Yeama Lalloh

manager of Monkey Bush Ministry
Sierra Leone

Yeama first began her journey with 25 Project as a child in their sponsorship ministry at the age of 16 when Yeama was taken into God’s Will Children’s Home in Grafton. Yeama is so grateful for the way 25 Project loved, supported, and prayed for her over the years. Thanks to her sponsors, but also her own hard work, she was able to graduate from the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM) with a degree in Business Administration in 2021.

After graduation, Yeama joined 25 Project as a staff member. She has been the Administrative Coordinator for our Sierra Leone ministry since July 2021. Yeama loves being around the children we serve and seeing how blessed they are through the sponsorship ministry.

Yeama lives in Hastings. She attends Christian Life era temple Peace Church in Grafton where she cleans the church before services and also leads the choir weekly during praise and worship. Yeama is also a gifted keyboardist.