HOME / TRIPS WHH Chapter 3 Please fill out the form below for your team leader. "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Primary Email* Chapter 3 QuestionsWhat is the root of poverty? What is reconciliation?*Think about your church’s ministries and missions efforts. Do they include a clear, verbal articulation of the gospel? If not, what are some specific things that could be done to improve this?*Again, think about your church’s ministries and mission efforts. Are they about people and processes or about projects and products? List some specific things that you could do to improve these initiatives.*Consider your community, city, or region. How might the economic, social, religious, and political systems be unjust and oppressive to some people? Then ask: is there anything you or your church could do to make these systems more just?*EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Back to Trips Overview