Throughout the world the 25 Project empowers vulnerable children with the hope of the Gospel, loving community, and the tools they need to grow and thrive.

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Can God use you when you buy or sell a house?

Buying or selling a house or property anytime soon? What if you could do that and at the same time, you could impact orphaned and vulnerable kids for Christ during the process? Well it’s possible with our partnership with our friend JT Hardcastle and his company, The Real…

Thank You Cornerstone Christian Academy!

Cornerstone Christian Academy second grade students topped off their school’s huge Valentine fundraiser by presenting a $2,000 check to the 25 Project! Jennifer Thomas, a parent and volunteer at Cornerstone in McKinney, Texas, challenged the kids to think globally in helping others this Valentine’s Day. Having heard of a need…

Unlocking the Secret

“When you discover the secret joy of the Treasure Principle, I guarantee you'll never be content with less.” Randy Alcorn Our staff just recently finished reading Alcorn’s book, The Treasure Principle, Discovering the Secret of Joyful Giving. While this book maybe short, it is powerful, potentially life…

After 2 years…A New Team is Finally Headed to Sierra Leone!

For the first time in two years, we have a team headed back to serve in Sierra Leone. Because of the spread of Ebola in West Africa, we were forced to suspend all teams traveling to serve our kids there. Praise God though, a new 25 Project team…

Silent Heroes

Recently I was listening to a radio program, catching the very end of a teaching segment by Chuck Swindoll. The teaching was about Nehemiah and the seemingly impossible task of rebuilding Jerusalem. In the last couple of minutes, Chuck diverged from the topic to talk about what he referred…

Update on the End of Year Matching Gift

What a joy it is to be able to share that with the help of so many generous partners of 25, we were able to reach the full $25,000 matching gift for the South Asia Mercy Homes! If you gave a special gift towards this goal, thank you!…

School in Sierra Leone

Have you ever wondered how school works in other countries? During my last trip to Sierra Leone we were able to visit most of the former street boys at their school. This, along with input from our partners there, Becky Brockelman and Charles Yimbo, I feel like I understand…

10 Questions to ask for 2016

A few years ago, I came across Don Whitney’s “10 questions to ask at the start of a new year.” Take some time to consider these thought provoking questions and how 2016 might be different for you than previous years… 1. What's one thing you could do this…

Double Your Impact

There is just a small amount of time left to make your year end gift! Through December 31st, we have a matching gift of $25,000 designated to be given directly towards ministry to kids in South Asia. Through generous gifts of so many this month, we are approximately $7,000…

Holy, Righteous and Redeemed

This past Saturday the 25 Project held a MercyMe benefit concert. Can I borrow a phrase from Bart and remind you that because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, you are holy, righteous and redeemed! My prayer is that you needed to be reminded of that today. I was…