Throughout the world the 25 Project empowers vulnerable children with the hope of the Gospel, loving community, and the tools they need to grow and thrive.

Throughout the world the 25 Project empowers vulnerable children with the hope of the Gospel, loving community, and the tools they need to grow and thrive.
While double features have declined in theatres around the world you still have the possibility of a “double feature” from your company! Do you know if you or your spouse’s company matches donations? Many companies offer dollar for dollar matching gifts, DOUBLING your impact! Over 18 million people…
“When you discover the secret joy of the Treasure Principle, I guarantee you'll never be content with less.” Randy Alcorn Our staff just recently finished reading Alcorn’s book, The Treasure Principle, Discovering the Secret of Joyful Giving. While this book maybe short, it is powerful, potentially life…