Throughout the world the 25 Project empowers vulnerable children with the hope of the Gospel, loving community, and the tools they need to grow and thrive.

Throughout the world the 25 Project empowers vulnerable children with the hope of the Gospel, loving community, and the tools they need to grow and thrive.
In short, YES! The support letter you write serves a pivotal role in making the child you partner with feel known, special, and encouraged. For many children, your letters become a precious gift they keep for years. In our busy lives, we know writing letters can be a…
Our Values Partner for the Gospel Invest in Young Lives Mobilize the Church Mobilize the Global Church The chosen and called instrument that God has ordained to demonstrate the Gospel to the world is the global church (Acts 2:42-47; Acts 13-14). The 25 Project exists to support, equip,…
Our Values Partner for the Gospel Invest in Young Lives Mobilize the Church Invest in Young Lives All children should have the right to become all that God created them to be. The 25 Project fights the restraints of poverty that make children vulnerable so that each child we…
Our Values Partner for the Gospel Invest in Young Lives Mobilize the Church Partner for the Gospel Ministry Partners are the very heart of the 25 Project. Around the world, in every place the 25 Project serves, we partner with local believers to transform the lives of…
New President March 2018, a new president was elected in Sierra Leone. After 10 years, the opposing party had garnered another opportunity to rule the country. While the previous party was known for a focus on business, the current party put their highest value on education. The new…
A Special Visit This year, we added our first ten girls into the Waterloo girls' sponsorship program in Sierra Leone. I recently had the pleasure of visiting eight of those girls’ families to inform them that they now had sponsors. That meant having the funds to start school! I will never…
Nearly seven years ago, Abass was one of the first children admitted to the 25 Project sponsorship program in Waterloo, Sierra Leone. At the time, Abass was living on the streets. He was looking for food and shelter along with scores of other children facing the same fate. Abass…
A Dream in Motion In early 2017 – when we found ourselves with two very vulnerable girls in a community where we serve homeless boys – God planted a desire in us to begin a girls sponsorship program in Waterloo, Sierra Leone. Fast-forward to March 2018, and the…
Abu is a double orphan. He lost his mother when he was very young. When his father died in 2013, Abu was left homeless. He moved in with his uncle, but his uncle did not care for even his most basic needs. Abu decided to move to the streets of Waterloo to care for…
Meet Umaru Do you know someone who has never heard about Jesus? Umaru is in our sponsorship program and lives at Margaret’s home in Grafton, Sierra Leone. As with the others at Margaret's home, Umaru is very special to me. He is a young man with a great…