Throughout the world the 25 Project empowers vulnerable children with the hope of the Gospel, loving community, and the tools they need to grow and thrive.

Throughout the world the 25 Project empowers vulnerable children with the hope of the Gospel, loving community, and the tools they need to grow and thrive.
Spontaneous songs of worship sang by our former street boys and local leaders to our King are what resonated in the air surrounding the areas of Kent Beach in Sierra Leone on Sunday 2016. As Christians around the world celebrated Palm Sunday, commemorating Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem,…
Win BIG and make a BIG difference in the lives of kids living in Margaret’s Home in Sierra Leone. At 1:00 on May 23rd, golf balls will be dropped on a green at Stonebridge Country Club in McKinney, Texas. The numbered golf ball that lands in or closest…
Join us in welcoming Shara Johnson to our staff team here at 25. What a gift she already is to our team and to our kids. Shara joins us in the role of Director of Discipleship and Internships. Prior to Shara’s calling to full-time missions and ministry, Shara…
Read this great post written by Nathan Bogue, Director of Mobilization, as he shares about his most recent time in Sierra Leone! "After two years I was delighted to step into Sierra Leone again on a 25 Project mission team. I had so much excitement to see the…
Buying or selling a house or property anytime soon? What if you could do that and at the same time, you could impact orphaned and vulnerable kids for Christ during the process? Well it’s possible with our partnership with our friend JT Hardcastle and his company, The Real…
Cornerstone Christian Academy second grade students topped off their school’s huge Valentine fundraiser by presenting a $2,000 check to the 25 Project! Jennifer Thomas, a parent and volunteer at Cornerstone in McKinney, Texas, challenged the kids to think globally in helping others this Valentine’s Day. Having heard of a need…
“When you discover the secret joy of the Treasure Principle, I guarantee you'll never be content with less.” Randy Alcorn Our staff just recently finished reading Alcorn’s book, The Treasure Principle, Discovering the Secret of Joyful Giving. While this book maybe short, it is powerful, potentially life…
For the first time in two years, we have a team headed back to serve in Sierra Leone. Because of the spread of Ebola in West Africa, we were forced to suspend all teams traveling to serve our kids there. Praise God though, a new 25 Project team…
Recently I was listening to a radio program, catching the very end of a teaching segment by Chuck Swindoll. The teaching was about Nehemiah and the seemingly impossible task of rebuilding Jerusalem. In the last couple of minutes, Chuck diverged from the topic to talk about what he referred…