Throughout the world the 25 Project empowers vulnerable children with the hope of the Gospel, loving community, and the tools they need to grow and thrive.

Throughout the world the 25 Project empowers vulnerable children with the hope of the Gospel, loving community, and the tools they need to grow and thrive.
Earlier this year, I was part of a team of eight people that trekked across the Atlantic to serve the children and youth the 25 Project ministers to in Sierra Leone, West Africa. After five years of these Sierra Leonian kids being served through local staff, 25 Project teams and stateside…
Do you ever wonder if sponsorship is too complicated? Well, sponsoring through the 25 Project is simple and more importantly you can change a life! Through our sponsorship program, Name Changers, a child or youth's life is impacted greatly and our prayer is that your life will be impacted…
I became a sponsor after going on a mission expedition to the Mercy Home Ministry in South Asia. Though I had sponsored children, I had never been able to actually step into their lives to understand their reality. The children were not names and pictures, but kids that seemed…
Lechería Village in the Dominican Republic has many stories of trials and struggles. It becomes the greatest joy when God changes a life. I met Patricia two years ago in Lechería, but finally heard her story while serving with one of our teams. Patricia, Pepe, Vanessa were…
Welcome Melissa Presley to our team here at the 25 Project! Melissa fills a significant position at 25, joining our staff as “Director of Stewardship”. Melissa has previously served in various ministry roles, and has been an advocate and a sponsor with the 25 Project for several years…
Thinking back on our trip to minister in the Mercy Home in South Asia, two words overwhelm my thinking. Those two words are love and blessings! This is truly one of the most difficult travel (literally half way around the world) yet joyful trips I have the privilege…
Just a few weeks ago, we received prayer requests from some of our kids living in South Asia, Dominican Republic, and Sierra Leone. There were several that caught our attention, but one prayer request in particular still strikes me even now! It is a prayer from Sunita in…
Make time for THIS!! Our good friend and funny man Craig Lillard is doing a Night of Comedy for the 25 Project at the McKinney Performing Arts Center on October 20th! You will LOVE this night! You may just leave with a tummy ache from laughing so hard,…
We are so excited to announce the 25 Project is adding a new location for ministry, this time in McKinney, Texas. We have prayed for a place to minister to children here in the U.S., and God certainly has answered. He has given us the opportunity to work…
Que aperidá is a saying used in the Dominican Republic to indicate that something is amazing. What God is doing in the Dominican Republic is amazing! We are so pleased to announce that after many months of prayer and seeking God's guidance, He has led us to begin…